Psychotherapy Services
I offer structured cognitive behavioral treatments (CBT) for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders at my private practice in downtown Boston on Wednesdays. I begin all treatment with a comprehensive assessment of patients' psychological difficulties. I then teach patients evidence-based skills (e.g., emotion regulation strategies) that are uniquely tailored to reduce their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
Depending upon the presenting concern, the intervention can be as short as 12 sessions. However, once patients experience a reduction in their symptoms, many want to continue working together and target other concerns (e.g., romantic relationship difficulties; interpersonal problems) or better understand the factors that contributed to their psychological difficulties. For patients interested in exploring these issues, then I do offer long-term therapy services (6-24 months in duration).
Assessment Service
The goals of my assessment service are two fold. First, to help individuals understand how their psychological difficulties fit within a diagnostic framework. For instance, patients, or their providers, may be interested in learning whether their psychological difficulties can be explained by a single disorder (e.g., social anxiety disorder) or multiple psychological disorders that require unique interventions. Second, to educate individuals about the different types of psychotherapy that are effective for their symptoms.
I know that navigating the psychological community and figuring out what treatment approach (or provider) is most appropriate can be incredibly overwhelming. I can help patients better understand the types of therapy appropriate for their psychological difficulties (e.g., psychodynamic therapy; cognitive behavioral therapy) and the different types of mental health providers (e.g., social worker vs. a clinical psychologist) that can provide the treatment.
The results of the diagnostic assessment can help individuals (and their current or future mental health providers) engage in the most appropriate interventions and potentially receive necessary services within the school system.
Importantly, I do not assess memory, intelligence or learning difficulties, so this service is inappropriate for those interested in determining whether they have a learning disability.
In summary, I offer a comprehensive diagnostic assessment service for individuals ages 16 and older. The service involves (a) a diagnostic interview (up to 3 hours), (b) administration and scoring of questionnaires specific to the presenting concern, (c) a written report outlining the results of the interview and questionnaires, (d) treatment recommendations, and (e) a feedback session (up to one hour) conducted by phone or in-person to review the report.
This service is available at my private practice in downtown Boston on Wednesdays.
Consultation or Supervision
I offer one-time or ongoing consultation and supervision services for mental health professionals, media representatives, or businesses who are interested in my areas of expertise.