My private practice is located at 185 Devonshire Street, Suite 902, Boston, MA, 02110
Transportation by Subway: My office is within a 5-minute walk of the following subway stops:
Green Line (Park Street or Government Center)
Blue Line (State Street or Government Center)
Red Line (Park Street or Downtown Crossing)
Orange Line (Downtown Crossing or State Street)
For more information on public transportation (including bus lines), please visit the following website: https://mbta.com/
Transportation by Car: My office is within a 5-minute walk of multiple downtown parking garages, including Post Office Square (https://www.posquare.com/) and 225 Franklin Street Garage (http://www.225franklingarage.com/). Be sure to give yourself enough time to find parking as the availability shifts throughout the day.
There is the possibility of street parking on Devonshire and nearby streets, but the availability is extremely limited.
Virtual Sessions: In addition to in-person sessions, I offer virtual therapy options via a HIPAA-secure online platform. Patients interested in virtual therapy must be within the state of Massachusetts. Additionally, based on the patient's treatment plan, I may recommend that a certain number of sessions are conducted in-person to most effectively target symptoms.